How to volunteer with KCFPD 47
- Be between the ages of 18 and 65.
- Have a good attitude.
- Have a good driving record.
- Have a desire to help your neighbor for absolutely no reason other than the desire to make a positive difference in the community!
- Live in or very near Fire District 47 (See District Map)
- Download, complete and sign the application.
- Contact us using the contact form, or via phone at (360) 886-1915 and we’ll schedule a time to meet you and talk about the opportunity.
- Go to the DOL and get an abstract of your driving record.
- Bring the application, copy of your driving record, and your drivers license to the meeting we scheduled, along with your great attitude!
Click the contact us link if you would like to recieve more information.
We hope to hear from you soon!