Station 88 – Headquarters

Station 88 is located at 34803 SE 268th St and serves as the district’s headquarters station. Station 88 is a two bay 1800 sq ft station which was built in 2015 to replace the old 1200 sq ft three bay station which was built in 1963 with donated labor and materials and is still located across the street. This new station will now accommodate newer larger fire apparatus. A 35 kW automatic transfer diesel generator provides emergency power to this station as well as the neighboring house which serves as the district office, meeting hall, and resident volunteer quarters. Station 88 houses an aid car as well as a front line pumper engine. A brush truck is located in the old station. The large siren on the top of the old station is a Federal Signal model 7 civil defense siren and is still in use. This siren is used to alert volunteer firefighters that there is an emergency. Due to the inadequate cell phone coverage in the district this is the only reliable secondary alerting method to pagers.